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Modeling on The Dublin Principles, there are 14 articles in the guidelines on defining and documenting industrial heritage to its protection, conservation and maintenance, as well as educating and communicating its values to the general public, corporate sector and the professional community.



a) Tangible and intangible heritage as a result of industrial processes

b) Industrial heritage sites reflect technological, regional and historical conditions

Documentation of industrial heritage structures, sites, areas and landscapes and understanding their values

c) Research and documentation

d) Interdisciplinary efforts to document and evaluate

e) Importance of knowing the historical contexts


Effective protection of the industrial heritage structures, sites, areas and landscapes

f) Appropriate policies, legal and administrative measures

g) Integrated inventories with legal status

h) Conserving specific characteristics and meeting contemporary requirements

i) Protective measures


Conserving and maintaining the industrial heritage structures, sites, areas and landscapes

j) Conserving the authenticity of the site

k) Monitoring conservation measures


Communicating the heritage dimensions and values of industrial structures, sites, areas and landscapes to raise public and corporate awareness and supporting training and research

m) Industrial heritage as valuable source of multi-dimensional learning

n) Facilities and programmes for educating the public and professional communities

Vision: A Living Museum

The overall vision of the plan is to conserve the MOS Iron Mine landscape as a living museum to reconnect the past, the present and the future; to serve as a link between the natural and cultural relics and the MOS New Town; and as a point for visitors to learn and reflect on their relationships with the multi-dimensional developments of MOS in space and time.


Analyses of the site’s carrying capacity, potential flow of tourists or visitors are required to conserve and maintain points of interest.



























































Open-pit mining area



Not graded

Use AR or web resources to allow visitors appreciate the operation of open-pit mining at MOS in the past. It can also be a place for nature-inspired art work.

Exterior walls of 110 ML and associated structures



Grade 2 historic buildings

Strengthening the exterior walls of the 110ML tunnel and if found suitable, turning part of the tunnel and its associated structures into an exhibition cum experiential space with AR and VR facilities for visitors to appreciate underground mining, the hard work of miners and mining technologies in the 1960s and 1970s as well as the history of the 110ML tunnel and the revitalisation process.

Branch office of MMTC, Technical staff dormitory, Clinic & Canteen-cum-granary



Grade 3 historic buildings

Since some of the structures seem to be occupied, it is necessary to sort out the current occupancy.

Adaptive reuse would be desirable, such as information or exhibition centre or artists in residents to help re-present or re-interpret the landscape.

These facilities can be run by local conservation groups.

Signs and descriptive boards can be displayed to outline the history of the site.

Former house cum grocery store



Not graded

The current use by the continuing residents should be retained as far as possible.

Lutheran Yan Kwong Church compound



Grade 3 historic buildings

ELCHK is running a camp site and a mine café. Revitalisation of the buildings in the compound is underway. The compound can be served as an anchor of various conservation efforts in the MOS Iron Mine landscape and the government should offer more assistance to this bottom-up initiative.

MOS Village Old People’s Association



Not graded

The current use should be retained as far as possible.

Exterior walls of 240 ML



Grade 2 historic buildings

Turning part of the 240ML Tunnel into an exhibition cum experiential space with virtual reality facilities.

Mineral preparation plant



Grade 3 historic buildings

Building a viewing platform on the site with AR for visitors to appreciate the geography and values of the former Pier District to the MOS Iron Mine in the past, in relation to the existing MOS New Town. The platform could mark the location of the former processing plant and its design can be reminiscent of the old ore dressing plant which had been the largest above ground structure of the mine to become a new landmark of the project visible from the nearby highway and MOS.

The stone tablet at Ping On Bridge



Grade 3 historic buildings

A small plate on the history of the tablet could be inscribed near the Bridge. Maintenance work maybe required from time to time to maintain its integrity.

St. Joseph’s Chapel compound



Grade 2 historic buildings

The chapel compound is worth to be restored for adaptive reuse, such as serving as a retreat facility for visitors to reflect upon their connections to the place and its rich multidimensional and multi-scalar histories.

Shun Yee San Tsuen



Grade 3 historic buildings

Shun Yee San Tsuen, originally built by the Lutheran Church, is a co-op registered in AFCD with continuing residents. The site allows us to reflect on how government can work with NGOs to improve people’s quality of life. The conservation plan can be refined in partnership with the community.


With respect to conservation of the “line”, we propose to connect historic buildings and sites of the MOS Iron Mine landscape to form a heritage trail that extends from the foothill of the Hunch Back to the Peak District. This would require the development of a series of supporting facilities such as boards with QR Codes for multi-languages audio guides, digital maps and online database to help visitors to understand the stories, history and cultural background of the MOS Iron Mine landscape. AMO could put in effort to design heritage trails of various lengths based on different themes to bring together the developments of the iron mine, the flora and fauna of the MOS Country Park and the MOS New Town. Local residents should be consulted and involved in finalising the trails. Relevant government departments may need to conduct further research to review the adequacy of existing facilities to support the rolling out of a heritage trail such as carrying capacity of the site and adequacy of public transportation facilities.


Although many former residents of the mining village have moved away from MOS, they still remember their care-free childhood spent in the village or nearby settlements. Former residents and interested parties can be invited to receive training as tour guides to bring their childhood stories alive. Another common practice of presentation is related to artistic creation. During the operation period of the Mine, photography technology was not as developed. Our understanding of the appearance of the mine is largely based on old photos or imagination, especially about the Pier District and Hung Nai Tong that no longer exist due to reclamation, as well as the relatively marginalised settlements of the Ma On Bridge District and Mid-level District. Government units or NGOs can facilitate the cooperation between MOS residents and artists to represent the historical landscape of the Mine. 

There can be flexibilities in extending the heritage trail with surrounding facilities to realise the vision of the living museum serving as a link between the old relics and the new town developments. The trail can indeed start with the MOS Park in the New Town area where replicas of mining equipment and exhibition panels can be found. These facilities can be better managed or modified to communicate the story of MOS. Another check point could be the MOS Country Park to promote the awareness for nature conservation. The two recreational areas are accessible by the general public and would be ideal locations to exhibit the history of the iron mine. In addition, governmental units may want to collaborate with the Mass Transit Railway Corporation to have a mining-themed train at the MOS Line, providing information on the MOS Iron Mine to generate public interest. The government may also consider ways to improve the accessibility of the sites through the provision of public transportation, connects the MOS Iron Mine landscape with a nearby MTR station.



Cluster 1: The Peak District

As suggested, the integrity and authenticity of this cluster has to be conserved though this does not mean that all the tangible and intangible heritages within the plane have to be preserved intact. Relevant government units can proceed with appropriate development or construction works as long as it does not destroy the historical and cultural context of the Iron Mine landscape. In theory, almost all of the land in the Peak District belongs to the government and conservation may not present too many challenges when compared to other compact urban areas.


The cultural heritage conservation of the MOS Iron Mine has largely been undertaken by local NGOs so far. The ELCHK has served the residents of the MOS Iron Mine since the 1950s. In 2012, they started to revitalise their church compound, hoping to promote the historical and cultural values of the Iron Mine to the general public. The site was renamed as the Grace Youth Camp. Their conservation strategy is based on four elements: industrial heritage, social heritage of the mine village, religious heritage and ecological heritage. Programmes and activities suitable for different groups have been developed, including heritage tour, eco tour, day camp, workshop, mine challenge etc. They have also transformed part of Yan Kwong Church into a Miners’ Cafe for visitors to learn about the history of the Mine whilst serving food inspired by the miners — steamed bun with fermented bean curd and iron ore cookies. In addition, the Grace Youth Camp hosts the annual Hong Kong Mine Challenge. It is a minethemed charitable race to boost public attention to the importance of conserving the mine village and revitalising human history. Perhaps Grace Youth Camp can also serve as a base to organise “Friends for conserving the MOS Iron Mine landscape” to tap into community resources for co-learning and co-working purposes. Efforts made by the ELCHK can become the foundation of conservation strategies for the MOS Iron Mine and given their continuous efforts, they deserve to receive more support from the government and the general public.


Religious organisations have played an indispensable role in the history of the MOS Iron Mine. The religious buildings constructed in the Mine village still stand today, reminding people of the spiritual support given by the churches. The St. Joseph’s Chapel compound of the Catholic Church has been in disrepair since the person in charge, Mr. Zhang, Bo, passed away in 2000s. The current situation of the compound is much worse when compared to the Lutheran Yan Kwong Church compound. With reference to the revitalisation efforts by Yan Kwong Chuch, the St. Joseph’s Chapel compound, given its spacious area, could provide for religious and conservation activities such as wedding ceremony, retreat camp site and exhibition venue. It is the vision of the Grace Youth Camp to revitalise other structures in the MOS Iron Mine landscape apart from the Lutheran Yan Kwong Church compound. Revitalisation of the St. Joseph's Chapel compound could be included as a second stage of ELCHK’s revitalisation plan with financial assistance from the government. The government may consider setting up a new funding scheme similar to the Nature Conservation Management Agreement Scheme to facilitate small scale revitalisation works of graded historic buildings initiated and operated by NGOs for public use, supplementing it with other existing funding sources such as the Countryside Conservation Funding Scheme run by the Environmental Protection Department.


Although the Franciscans have no intention to revitalise the St. Joseph’s Chapel compound, the St. Joseph’s Secondary School (MOSSJSS) has developed a school-based curriculum titled “Cyber Saddle” based on the legacy of the OFM to encourage the younger generations to investigate the history embedded in the built and natural environment in the MOS Iron Mine. MOSSJSS has also organised an eco-tour learning programme to train gifted students to become eco-tour ambassadors in MOS in 2012 and 2013. The school also set up a heritage room with collections related to the contribution of OFM in the MOS Iron Mine. These educational programmes communicate to the younger generations our duty to care about the rich history embedded in the natural and built environment in the MOS Iron Mine landscape.


Perhaps the teaching and learning experience of the MOSSJSS can be documented so that the programme can be adapted by other schools in the MOS District and beyond. The conservation at the Peak District provides ample learning resources for academic subjects such as history, economics, geography, liberal studies and even STEAM related knowledge. Also, the MOS Iron Mine landscape would be a suitable subject for producing educational videos to stimulate student’s interests in Hong Kong’s industrial heritage and its relationships with multi-dimensional developments in space and time. With proper financial and technical support, similar courses can be piloted in schools in the MOS District and then gradually expanded to other schools in Hong Kong. Universities can also be involved in providing research and training support to teachers and students in secondary schools.


Stakeholders of the MOS Iron Mine can also cooperate with other NGOs to promote the conservation of industrial heritage. The Conservancy Association Centre for Heritage (CACHe) is a non-profit conservation group that actively promotes the conservation of history, cultures and heritages in Hong Kong. It often cooperates with professionals and amateurs from various specific fields to organise lectures, field trips, exhibitions and release publications to enhance public awareness of heritage conservation (CACHe n.d.). Organisations similar to CACHe would be a perfect partner to help promote the values of the MOS Iron Mine.​

Cluster 2: Foothill of the Hunch Back

As mentioned above, development pressure is higher in this cluster given its proximity to the MOS New Town. Any possible future development needs to take into consideration the 110ML tunnel, the ore dressing (mineral preparation) plant and Shun Yee San Tsuen. The ore dressing (mineral preparation) plant and the 110ML tunnel can be better designed to be public space with rich cultural heritage, an important learning resource for future residents and visitors.

Cluster 3: The Wan Village, Ma On Bridge and Mid-level District

Further research and documentation are required for these settlements, especially as the Wan Village might be redeveloped. Given its close proximity to the Peak District, the design of the future development has to respect the integrity of the Mining sites and settlements surrounding it. Future development, if any, around the Mid-level District should allow incumbent residents, especially those farmers, to have the option of continuing their life and livelihood in the area.

Do you agree with our proposal? Let us know your views!

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