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Since heritage conservation in Hong Kong is building-based and industrial heritage conservation research has not been done systematically, a lot more research can be conducted in this field:

Overseas best practices

  • interdisciplinary research that also engages local communities in the documentation process

  • communicating the heritage dimensions and values to the public to maximise the utility of industrial heritage sites as significant learning resources

  • protecting, conserving and managing heritage with special reference on:

  • Policies

  • Legal framework

  • Administrative measures

  • Development of legal inventories

  • Planning framework and tools

  • Building codes and related regulations and standards

  • Power and operation of conservation authority

  • Financing of heritage conservation and rationale for it

  • Stakeholder collaboration in heritage conservation processes

  • Successful industrial conservation projects, especially those that connect the old with existing or new developments

Greater Bay Area

  • to use the framework established in this study to conduct research on industrial heritage of the Pearl River Delta, the “World Factory”, as the region is due for industrial upgrading to become a technology oriented Bay Area

Hong Kong

  • Adopt the multi-dimensional approach to conduct territory-wide documentation of industrial heritage in Hong Kong with a view to telling the story of industrialisation in the city and beyond

  • A comprehensive review of the existing institutional set up in Hong Kong to identify long, medium and short-term changes required to facilitate P-L-P conservation

MOS Iron Mine landscape

  • Further research on the Mid-Level District and Ma On Bridge District

  • More comprehensive and systematic interviews and oral histories of existing and former residents

  • Establishment of a digital archive to facilitate further research

  • Research on the possibilities of developing community based open source documentation of heritages in general and industrial heritage in particular

  • Collaborative research with the Lutheran Church on its continuing revitalisation efforts

  • Develop research and learning kits to cater for different stakeholders including professionals and students of all levels


This project is funded by the Built Heritage Conservation Fund


©2020 by Institute of Future Cities, The Chinese University of Hong Kong

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